
Universe daylife
Universe daylife

universe daylife

Based on the chosen path of the viewer, Universe presents the most salient stories, statements and snapshots, as found in global news coverage from thousands of sources. Instead, it provides a tool to explore many personal mythologies. Universe does not suggest a single shared mythology. The exact parameters of each universe are entirely up to the viewer, and unexpected paths unfold with exploration. The scope can be as precise as Vermont on August 27, 2006, or as open-ended as War, Climate Change or Happiness. In the top left corner is a search box, which can be used to specify the scope of the current universe. Stars presents a cryptic star field Shapes causes constellation outlines to emerge Secrets extracts the most salient single words and presents them to scale Stories extracts the sagas and events Statements extracts the things people said Snapshots extracts images Superstars extracts the people, places, companies, teams, and organizations Time shows how the universe has evolved over hours, days, months, and years. Universe is divided into nine "Stages", titled: Stars, Shapes, Secrets, Stories, Statements, Snapshots, Superstars, Settings, and Time. Any constellation can be selected, making it the center of the universe, and sending everything else into its orbit. Each star has a specific counterpart in the physical world - a news story, a quote, an image, a person, a company, a team, a place - and moving the cursor across the star field causes different stars to connect, forming constellations. Universe opens with a color-shifting aurora borealis, at the center of which is a moon, and through which thousands of stars slowly move.

universe daylife

Using the metaphor of an interactive night sky, Universe presents an immersive environment for navigating the world's contemporary mythology, as found online in global news and information from Daylife. Everyone's path through Universe is different, just as everyone's path through life is different. «Universe is a system that supports the exploration of personal mythology, allowing each of us to find our own constellations, based on our own interests and curiosities. De fait, Universe permet à l'internaute une authentique immersion dans l'univers du discours qui circule sur le Web. En effet, il apparaît rapidement que le nombre d'informations disponibles sur le Web est gigantesque, rappelant en cela l'immensité de l'Univers. La métaphore de la voûte céleste semble tout à fait appropriée au fonctionnement de l'oeuvre. L'internaute peut naviguer au sein de huit interfaces différentes et choisir la couleur du ciel qui lui convient le mieux. L'oeuvre permet de filtrer les contenus, notamment en sélectionnant les nouvelles de la journée en cours, de la dernière semaine, du dernier mois ou encore de la dernière année. Développant la métaphore d'une carte du ciel où le sujet recherché est l'étoile autour de laquelle gravite l'ensemble des astres, cette oeuvre permet à l'internaute de faire une recherche, par exemple à propos d'Eminem ou encore de Chopin, afin de visualiser les nouvelles qui ont été diffusées à leur sujet sur le site. The universe is so big.Avec Universe, Jonathan Harris propose un outil de visualisation des informations diffusées sur le site. Now you can do this for your finger tip and the star Proxima Centauri. We may attempt to estimate the gravitational force between a human body and the nearest celestial object-the Moon, which is about a million fold less than Earth's gravitational force on you. Whatever you do with your hand will have a small effect at a distance compared to that already random-looking jitter. The thermal jiggling (Brownian motion of particles) become important at small scales. Equipped with contemporary supercomputers, we cannot even predict the trajectories of a million atoms in a single protein longer than milliseconds.īut in practice this is of course not the case for most purposes, because its effect will be negligible at distant objects. To appreciate the (computational) hardness of such a problem, you do not need to focus on such a big system. That means changing your hand's position should effect everything else. Everything contributes to everything else's trajectory, which makes detailed prediction impossible. Worse, many parts are "chaotic", which means that if you can't predict the details you can't predict even many of the big events in the long run. there is no finite distance from your finger at which its force on an object is 0.

universe daylife

Strong and weak forces decay so sharply that their effect is only important in nuclear contexts, whereas gravitation is a longer range force decaying by 1/r 2. Let's focus on gravitation: the 1/r 2 function only becomes 0 at r=infinity, i.e. The forces (or potentials) in general decay with distance but have different distance dependencies. This is really hard to imagine, but it is somewhat true.

Universe daylife